Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Anzia Yezierska

“The Lost Beautifulness”

Choose five (5, fünf, cinq, cinque) of the following and answer in complete sentences.

  1. Describe he relationship between Hannah and her husband. How does this relationship evolve throughout the story?
  2. From the reading, draw or describe Hannah. Or, using quotes from the story, describe Hannah’s personality.
  3. What role do Hannah’s neighbors play in the story?
  4. Describe the relationship between Hannah and Mrs. Preston. What do each of them get from the relationship?
  5. There are several ironies at work in this story. Discuss the effects of one of them.
  6. What is this story saying about the immigrant’s experience in America?
  7. To what extent is “The Lost Beautifulness” a feminist story?