Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hawthorne 10/11 and 10/12

Yeah, Hawthorne! I'm sure you're as enthused as I am to read this genuine, born-on-the fourth-of-July American literary master. For Monday (South) and Tuesday (Sheldon) of next week you need to read "Young Goodman Brown" and respond to the following following questions, in full sentences:

1) How is nature portrayed in this story? What is Hawthorne’s attitude toward nature? How would you characterize the portrayal of Native Americans?

2) Who is the stranger? What is unusual about his staff, and what might this symbolize?

3) What is the significance of the pink ribbon falling from the sky?

4) What is the significance of Brown’s family history?\ and Puritan history as mentioned by the stranger?

What happened in the woods? Was it real? A dream? An allegory?