Friday, September 25, 2009

The Tempest

Day 1: Introduction to Shakespeare and to The Tempest.

Homework: Act I, ii to line 221. Memorize 4 lines of the text.

Day 2: Discussion of the reading, declamation, quiz. Present journal assignment

Homework: Act I, ii line 221 to the end of Act I. Memorize 4 lines of the text.

Day 3: Discussion, declamation, and reading quiz. Love letters between Miranda and

Homework: Act II Memorize 4 lines of the text. Work on your journals.

Day 4: Discussion, declamation, and reading quiz. Analyze and present source documents.

Homework: Act III, Character relationship chart. Work on your journals.

Day 5: Discussion and reading quiz. Finish source document presentations. Work on journals.

Homework: Act IV. Choose what you think is the most important passage in Act IV. Be ready to defend your choice. Reading quiz Act 4 Act 5

Day 6: Discussion and reading quiz. Textual analysis activity.

Homework: Act V. Bring in a picture of your character for your journal assignment. Work on your journals. Finish your analysis paragraph.

Day 7: Discussion and reading quiz. Act 5. Themes, characters, analyses. Is this a good ending, predicting the characters' futures.

Homework: Completed journals.

Day 8: Journal readings and presentations.

Homework: Prepare for the test. Journal Prepare for test

Day 9: Passage Analysis Test.

Homework: Transcendentalism texts.H